Here at ShedMart USA our Business Partners offer Exclusive !NO CREDIT CHECK! Rent to Own Programs for those who do not qualify for, or do not want to use conventional Financing.

Premier Portable Buildings

Premier offers a 36,48 and Now 60 month term.

With Premier ALL you have to do is to meet the following criteria.
*Security Deposit required depending on size of Building
- 8′ Wide Buildings $100.00 Security Deposit
- 10′ Wide Buildings $150.00 Security Deposit
- 12′ Wide Buildings $250.00 Security Deposit
- 14′ Wide Buildings $750.00 Security Deposit
- 16′ Wide Buildings $1500.00 Security Deposit
Rent To Own Requirements for Premier Portable Buildings
- 2 Forms Of I.D. i.e. Drivers License, Credit or Debit Card, Social Security Card or Work ID.
- 2 References with phone numbers
- Employment Info
- Landlord Info if required
No Penalty Early Payoff
- Early Purchase Option: Renter may take ownership of the rented property at any time after renter has made the First Rental Payment, renter may purchase rented property for: (Required % based of monthly term *) of the remaining cost at that time (Exclusive of taxes, reinstatement and other charges).
- (*36 months 60%, 48 months 50%)
* SECURITY DEPOSIT: Deposit amount paid to the dealer will be refunded if the contract goes full term and renter meets all agreement
terms. Security deposit shall be held by Lessor as security for the performance of all terms herein including, but not limited to, any late
payment or re-delivery charge. Such deposit (or part thereof that has not been applied to remedy default(s) of Renter) shall be refunded,
without interest, only on the expiration of the term of this rental agreement or early payoff, if all the Renter’s obligations herein have
been performed or discharged, Renter has not been late on payments more than 2 times, and Renter acquires ownership of the
Property . Lessor reserves the right to use the proceeds of the security deposits to remedy any breach by you of the terms of this
Lease. In the event of such application of funds, Renter may be required to restore the security deposit to the original amount. If renter Cancels the contract or returns unit for any reason, NO DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED!.
To Calculate an RTO Payment
Try the Simple Loan Calculator in the Link below!
For Rent To Own
Choose 44% and 48 months
Building Price + $120.00 RTO Assurance Plan ex: 8×12 Utility $3395.00 + $120.00= $3115.00
Then—– Payment x .07% for Tax!

To Apply
Click the link below
Download the Application, Fill out your personal information completely, Attach it to email and send to sean@shedmartusa.com, I will fill out the the Pricing and Building info and send back for signatures!
That’s It!!

Trailers by Premier
Rent To Own works the same as Premier Buildings with the exception of the Deposit!
The Deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE on Trailers!!
24,36,48, and 60 month Terms available
Early Payoff with No Penalties (see Cost Of Rent To Own below)
Requirements for Rent To Own
- Customer Info
- 2 Forms of I.D Drivers License/Identification ( CC, SS Card, Work I.d. etc )
- Vehicle Registration in customers name
- Proof of Insurance
- Employment Info
- Landlord info ( if applicable)
- 2 references with Addresses and Phone numbers
- Down Payment

Eagle Carports
Eagle offers a 24 , 36, 48 and 60 month terms.
90 Days Same As CASH! *
Click HERE for Eagle Carports Rent To Own Payment Calculator
With Eagle All you have to do is meet the following criteria.
- 10%,12% or 15% Security Deposit required!* Percentage depends on Price of Metal Structure.
- Customer must be Home Owner or Renter
- Building must be Certified
- $3000.00 minimum amount to qualify
- Social Security Number ( For ID purposes )
- Drivers License #
- Copy Of Drivers License or ID
- 2 References with phone numbers required
- EARLY PURCHASE OPTION: If Renter wishes to purchase the leased property early, Renter may do so at any time by paying
( Required % based on Term *) of the remaining cost calculated at the time of the sale (the contract agreement balance) plus any tax and other fees if
applicable. Renter must be current on all Agreement obligations to exercise the Early Purchase Option.
*(24 months=60%, 36 months= 55%, 48 months = 45%, 60 months = 40%)
- * 90 DAYS SAC ( same as cash ) Exclusive to Eagle Carports Inc. Customers:
If renter wishes to purchase the leased property using 90 days SAC, renter may do so within 90 days starting at the date of installation. Renter must be current on all agreement obligations, including payment of late fees,
reinstatement fees, origination fees and other charges that may apply, to exercise the 90 days SAC option.
* SECURITY DEPOSIT: Deposit amount paid to the dealer will be refunded if the contract goes full term and renter meets all agreement
terms. Security deposit shall be held by Lessor as security for the performance of all terms herein including, but not limited to, any late
payment or re-delivery charge. Such deposit (or part thereof that has not been applied to remedy default(s) of Renter) shall be refunded,
without interest, only on the expiration of the term of this rental agreement or early payoff, if all the Renter’s obligations herein have
been performed or discharged, Renter has not been late on payments more than 2 times, and Renter acquires ownership of the
Property . Lessor reserves the right to use the proceeds of the security deposits to remedy any breach by you of the terms of this
Lease. In the event of such application of funds, Renter may be required to restore the security deposit to the original amount. If renter Cancels the contract or returns unit for any reason, NO DEPOSIT WILL BE REFUNDED!.
Click the APPLY HERE link below!
That’s it! You’re Approved!

EZ PAY Buildings Rent To Own Requirements
- Customer NOT in Active Bankruptcy
- Landowner if you claim to be, will be verified
- Name, SSN, and DOB must ALL Match
- Minimum of $1000.00 monthly income required
- Credit Check On Any Building over $14000.00
- Minimum 1 year at current residence
- Landlord release if Renter
- Customer must have Homeowners Insurance or Sign up for PTS via EZ-Pay for $8.50 a month
- Self employed must have Tax ID or use SSN if Sole Proprietor
- Proof of Income required for Renters on Buildings over $5000.00
To Apply please visit us in our office!
Understanding Rent To Own
Rent-to-own, also known as rental purchase agreement or rent-to-buy, is a type of legally documented transaction under which tangible property, such as a Storage Shed, Carport or Garage is leased in exchange for a monthly payment, with the option to purchase at some point during the agreement.
A rent-to-own transaction differs from a traditional lease, in that the lessee can purchase the leased item at any time during the agreement (in a traditional lease the lessee has no such right), and from a purchase/installment plan, in that the lessee can terminate the agreement by simply returning the property.
The Cost of Rent To Own and Early Payoff Option
Rent to Own is designed for those who DO NOT qualify for/ Or Do Not wish to use conventional Financing!
With most Rent To Own options, NO CREDIT CHECK is required to purchase! Most require a Security Deposit and Minimal Information such as References, Landlord info, Income verification and 2 Forms of Identification.
With that said, You will pay for this option at a much higher rate than conventional Financing! Most rates are around 40% to 60% depending on the number on months you wish to pay. For example Most 48 Month RTO contracts compute the rate at around 50%. At 50% you will, at the end of the 48 month contract, wind up paying Double the CASH Price, Plus Tax, of the Building or Trailer in which you wish to purchase. Premier Portable Buildings, Trailers by Premier and Eagle Carports will let you PAY OFF the contract early, usually after the first payment is made at a rate of 50% ( on a 48 month contract) of your remaining payments added up at that time. For example……. At the time you wish to pay off the contract, Simply add up your remaining payments… If your payment is $125.00 a month, and you have 36 months left on your contract, take $125.00 x 36 months = $4500.00 divided by 2 (50%) and your Pay OFF is $2250.00 not including any late fees or reinstatement fees that may have accrued during the first full year. Paying OFF your Rent To Own contract Early is a Great way to save A Lot of money!! Plus you will get your security deposit back! ( With the Exception with Trailers, No Refund on Security Deposit! )